Welcome to Bridges 4 Mission Podcast. Ways to connect: volunteers@internationalministries.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalMinistries. What is it like to serve overseas as God's ambassadors? How does the Kingdom of God look around the globe? Through International Ministries’ Bridges 4 Mission Podcast, we bring the answers to these and other mission-related questions directly to you. Join us as we interview a diverse group of servants working in a variety of capacities around the world. Volunteers, Theologians, Ministers of the Gospel will explore the rapidly changing world of Short-Term Missions (STM) and how being incarnational manifests itself in very unique ways. We will hear firsthand testimonies of individuals who have taken a leap of faith to serve internationally and hear from others who are still undecided. We trust that you’ll soon discover how God equips all of us for the tasks we are called to, recognizing that we don't do this discernment process alone. We remain encouraged when interruptions in plans become God moments to create beautiful bridges for ministry. We hope that this new B4M Podcast will invite you into seeing the possibilities of being the hands and feet of Christ. We live in hope and love, which neither can be silenced, nor ignored. Join us to observe, ask why, and listen. Welcome to Bridges 4 Mission.